InTheMail | Voltlog #378

Welcome to a new InTheMail, the series that will touch both your passion for electronics and your bank account at the same time. I have some news regarding the import of our packages from Aliexpress into the EU. It seems our Chinese friends re-grouped and found a way to improve things for us. So half of my packages are still coming  through as normal with quote marks, because I’m there is a double taxation happening, the electronic system is not operational here yet so they charge VAT a second time when you receive the package plus a 2 EUR handling fee but the other half o the packages started arriving grouped into larger bags through EU routes without having to go through customs. I think that’s a plus because it avoids the double taxation that was happening here plus I get more packages at once, less hassle. I’ll keep you updated in future videos on the status of these packages.

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