Voltlog #145 – How I Failed To Install Auto Bed Leveling On My Creality CR-10

In this video I was supposed to upgrade my Creality CR-10 3D printer with an auto-leveling sensor but I failed to do that and I will explain why in a few minutes. 

The upgrade would involve showing you how to connect the sensor to the motherboard and then flashing the open source marlin firmware to add the auto-leveling features as well as other improvements.

The thing is, nobody tells you that you can’t have the SD card option, the graphical lcd option and the auto bed leveling option active in marlin firmware at the same time when compiling for the stock CR10 board with the atmega1284 which only has 128K of flash memory. The resulting program will simply not fit on that 128K of memory.

Here are links to the stuff mentioned in the video:

Here is how to connect the sensor to your 3d printer using an optocoupler

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