Voltlog #95 – The New Raspberry Pi 4

Like I mentioned I’m the first to get this board, months before the official release date, this is an engineering sample.

I was lucky to have a good friend of mine, a childhood friend, that works at the raspberry pi foundation. He is the guy that did the layout of all the raspberry pi board you know. So I was having a chat with my friend this week when he showed me this and I just didn’t let it go until he asked the right guy and finally got the approval to let me show this thing on camera.

I’m not allowed to keep it because it’s one of the few engineering samples that exist but we can take a good look at it so let’s go to the bench for a close-up.

Here are some high-res images below, please credit with link to this page if you plan to publish them anywhere.

The new raspberry pi 4 board top The new raspberry pi 4 board top

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