Voltlog #61 – Dummy Load Special

This episode will be taking a look at different dummy load models, these are all purchased either from ebay or from banggood so they’re easy to get and inexpensive. I just wanted to show them together and make a bit of a comparison just to help you understand the differences between these models so that you can choose the model that will fit your needs best. I have 5 dummy loads in total, starting from $5 a piece up to $20 a piece.
There might be slight variations of these available for purchase , some might come configured for different maximum power dissipation, some might have enclosure but those are all details that you can figure out on your own. Today I’m just going to point out the major differences and features of each one.

0:54 ZHIYU ZB2L3 Battery capacity tester

2:38 Digital Battery Capacity Tester Model 2

3:16 Analog Dummy Load 100V 6A XHDZ-FZ-2D

5:44 ZHIYU ZB206+ Battery capacity tester

11:10 eLoad USB Data Logging Dummy Load

19:00 ZHIYU ZPB30A1 Electronic load


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